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A photo of the Morton Glass System. The system includes a large plastic grid, several straightedges, paper instructions, and a variety of implements for accurately cutting glass. A box reading "Advanced In-Depth Course" is overlaid in the top left corner. The words Webinar Replay: Introduction to Fusing Glass on a white square above the Creative Paradise logo. The words Webinar Replay: Kiln Working Glass on a white square above the Creative Paradise logo.
A fused glass mushroom on a copper tube stem displayed in front of other colorful glass flowers. The glass mushroom cap is dark blue and formed into a bell shape with a slightly waved bottom edge. A photo of the Morton Glass System on a white background. The system includes a large plastic grid, several straightedges, a set of paper instructions, and a variety of implements for accurately cutting glass. A white wall with various circular fused glass art pieces hanging on it. All the pieces have an ocean theme. There’s a blue one with colorful coral and seahorses, a pale cream and blue starfish design, a sand dollar, and another smaller starfish.
Bottle Art Webinar Replay
Our Price: $29.00
Wall Art Webinar Replay
Our Price: $69.00
A fused glass bowl displayed on a clear base. The bowl is made from a mesmerizing repeating geometric pattern that radiates outwards from the center. The pattern uses many colors, but the outer ring is black and the center is blue. A red rectangle with the words Say Calm and Fuse On in white. Above the words are the outlines of two cat ears and a small heart-shaped nose with three whiskers on each side, also in white. A collage of six different images of fused glass projects, all involving creating depth in your glass. Most of them are oval or egg shaped, with clear glass above a small figure or background.
Going Deep Webinar Replay
Our Price: $59.00
A collage of seven close-ups of fused glass projects all involving luminescent glass. Most of the projects have a snowy or winter theme, though one close-up does show a piece of coral and a shell. A collage of seven different images featuring close-ups of glass projects made using frit slurries. The close-ups show the detail and vivid colors that are possible when using this technique.
Luminous Webinar Replay
Our Price: $59.00
Slurry 2.0 Webinar Replay
Our Price: $59.00